2015 has been the most productive year yet for Erica Mott Productions. We are eager to harness and build this momentum in 2016, as momentous change is on the horizon.
Will you show your support for Erica Mott’s singular process and revolutionary new works? Donations of all sizes will support the sustainability and longevity of this innovative work.
Erica Mott receives Fiscal Sponsorship from Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
To donate by mail, please make checks out to Fractured Atlas.
Fractured Atlas c/o Erica Mott Productions
155 West Burton Place, Unit 1
Chicago IL 60610
To donate online with a credit card:
Erica is a recipient of the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs Community Arts Assistance Program (CAAP) and the Neighborhood Arts Program (NAP) grants.