John Toenjes

John Toenjes (artistic advisor) is Associate Professor and Music Director of the University of Illinois Department of Dance. Works include the computer interactive music/dance work “Inventions Suite” at the 2008 Cleveland Ingenuity Festival, and “e’s of water,” a dance/computer installation at UW-Milwaukee in 2007. John wrote the score and designed the wireless sensor networks for Trisha Brown’s “Astral Convertible Reimagined” at UIUC in 2010. In 2012 he consulted on the computer systems used in “FraMESHift” at Teatro Astra in Turin, Italy. His 2014 interactive dance work, “Kama Begata Nihilism,” spawned a Faculty Fellowship at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications to establish the Laboratory for Audience Interactive Technologies (LAIT), which has designed a platform for creation of audience apps to be used live performance. He is currently touring a dance theater work “Public Figure” with Multiplex Dance Co. that fully integrates LAIT.