Ginger Farley

Ginger Farley is a choreographer, teacher, dramaturg, and director of body-based works. She has been working in Chicago since 1978. Farley was a featured dancer with the Hubbard Street Dance Company for ten years with performances throughout the US, Canada, South America and Europe. She also taught at the affiliate school, the Lou Conte Dance Studio through 1998, at the Dance Center of Columbia College, the Chicago Academy for the Arts, as well as offering numerous residencies and master classes at colleges throughout the US. Following the birth of her two children, Farley performed as a guest with Akasha Dance Company, Robin Lakes Rough Dance, Xsite! Performance Group, and Jan Erkert & Dancers. During this period she developed her choreographic voice setting works on students, companies, individual artists, and in theater productions, most notably the Iphigenia Cycle with director JoAnne Akalaitis. In 1996 she formed the 58 Group with colleague Cameron Pfiffner making interactive live works for a company of musicians and dancers through 2002.

With a particular interest in the intersection between forms, both within a single body, in space, and through collaborations with artists of different disciplines Farley’s recent works include: ‘mo ment’ a danced solo exploration on evolution of a self; ‘Song’, a work about language using bird calls, movement and text performed as a live art installation at the State Museum of Illinois; ‘prairie’ and ‘Fertile Muck,’ both sited works looking at the seasons and the relationship of humans to place. Current projects include an intermittent but ongoing awareness practice with painter Jackie Kazarian, a collaboration with Erica Mott and Ryan Ingebritsen on a refocused and condensed version of their 2011 work ‘The Victory Project;’ and the development of a mentorship program in collaboration with performance artist Bryan Saner to help emerging artists deepen their rehearsal process to more fully realize their work.

Farley is also an active live-arts advocate. She is part of the consortium that directs the Chicago Dancemakers Forum, a granting and mentorship program for independent choreographers. Additionally, she serves on committees at the Museum of Contemporary Art for its Performance Programs, UIC Department of Arts and Architecture, and Links Hall. She serves on the Advisory Board for Arts in Sacred Places and the Board of Directors for Arts Alliance Illinois.