We are THRILLED to finally make this announcement! The MacArthur Foundation has awarded a new partnership between Erica Mott Productions and Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble the prestigious MacArthur International Connections Fund. The $50,000 grant will allow us to continue our international collaboration with Ezzat Ezzat Contemporary Dance Studio in Cairo, Egypt, as well as build a new local collaboration with Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble, to expand our work for our immersive installation performance Mycelial: Street Parliament ...
Nov 13, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Building Collaborations with MacArthur

Our 3Arts funding campaign for
Mycelial: Street Parliament is 70% funded, but ends in four days. CAN YOU HELP?
Mycelial: Street Parliament is a unique collaborative project that pairs Egyptian and American dancers, composers, technologists and new media artists to create an interactive installation performance that examines civic participation and social movements in the digital age. Guided through and around the performance by a custom mobile app, the audience will navigate four large moveable video screens, a movement-reactive sound score and choreographies ...
Oct 10, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Our 3Arts campaign ends this week!

This Sunday, Sept 17th from 11-3pm, Erica Mott Productions will activate Alphawood Gallery (2401 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL) with a special interactive movement technology workshop and discussion. Based on research into GIFs and emojis as the 'lingua franca' of the internet and the role of social media during recent social movements, we ask: can we tweet a movement? Working with motion-capture technology developed for
Mycelial: Street Parliament, we will guide Alphawood Gallery attendees in creating and recording embodied movement tweets responding to the current exhibition
Then They Came For Me ...
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Sep 13, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Can we tweet a movement? Workshop at Alphawood Gallery

Mycelial: Street Parliament is a performance and cultural dialogue project taking root through a series of one-to-one creative exchanges between American and Egyptian composers, computer programmers, dancers, data scientists and new media artists. Although many of my projects have been cross-discipline, Mycelial takes me into new territory by working cross-culturally. It’s an exciting extension of my practice, fueling new ideas for my art work and my work as a citizen AND it's requiring more resources and support than I have ever needed before. So in the spirit of our namesake "mycelium", I am building a larger network of support ...
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Aug 15, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Become a part of our Mycelial Network!

Time flies when you're having fun! Three weeks ago, our Egyptian dance collaborators Ezzat Ismail Ezzat and Mounir Saeed arrived in Chicago for
Mycelial: Street Parliament's second development and rehearsal intensive. Our first exchange took place last March in Cairo, Egypt, through the support of the US Embassy and Department of State.
Through hours of rehearsals, we developed and refined deep listening, dynamic partnering sequences, vigorous choreographies, motion-responsive sound score, interactive video and participatory mobile app ...
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Aug 08, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Mycelial Rehearsal Intensive Wrap-Up

From Cassis to Champaign, from Calgary to California, from Cairo to Chicago, Erica Mott's newest project
Mycelial: Street Parliament is taking root.
‘Mycelial’ is derived from the word 'mycelium' – the vegetative part of a fungus that consists of a mass of branching, thread-like filaments. These threads form extensive communication networks, connecting forest root systems and transmitting vital nutrients to keep entire ecosystems alive. Scientists lovingly refer to this network at the "wood wide web" ...
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Jun 19, 2017 | Categories:News | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Mycelial: Street Parliament – A Year of Growth
Mycelial: Street Parliament is an interdisciplinary and interactive installation performance that researches social organization and civic participation in a dizzying age of digital connection and sociopolitical division. Developed through a series of one-to-one cultural exchanges between American and Egyptian composers, programmers, dancers and new media artists, this artwork will culminate in live multimedia and participatory events in both Cairo and Chicago. Drawing on the experiences of activists during the Occupy Wall Street Movement and Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the team ...
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May 10, 2017 | Categories:Homepage Thumbnail Slider, Projects | Tags: Mycelial, Mycelial: Street Parliament | Comments Off on Mycelial: Street Parliament